Dialogue-1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Dialogue-2 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Dialogue-3 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.Uploaded on 12th June 2019 Dialogue-4 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.Uploaded on 16th June 2019Listening and Reading Exercises Exercise-1 Türk Alfabesi - Küçük Harfler (Turkish Alphabet - Lower Case Letters) -1 Exercise-2 Türk Alfabesi - Küçük Harfler (Turkish Alphabet - Lower Case Letters) - 2 Exercise-3 Türk Alfabesi - Büyük Harfler (Turkish Alphabet - Upper Case Letters) - 1 Exercise-4 Türk Alfabesi - Büyük Harfler (Turkish Alphabet - Upper Case Letters) - 2 Exercise-6 Biz Altı Kardeşiz (We are six siblings.) Exercise-7 Akşam Yemeği (Dinner) Exercise-8 Kaptan Hakan (Captain Hakan) Exercise-9 Trenle Yolculuk (Travelling by train) Exercise-10 Perili Laleler (Fairy Tulips) Exercise-11 Bursa'ya Taşınıyorsun (You are moving to Bursa.) Exercise-12 İstanbul Döner Salonu (İstanbul Doner Restaurant) Exercise-13 Fener Kulesi (The Lighthouse)Everyday Expressions in TurkishVocabulary Exercises Exercise-1 Kelimeler - (Hayvanlar) - Vocabulary (Animals) Exercise-2 Kelimeler - (Meyveler) Vocabulary (Fruits) Exercise-3 Kelimeler - (Taşıtlar) Vocabulary (Vehicles) Exercise-4 Kelimeler - (Mobilya) Vocabulary (Furniture) Exercise-5 Kelimeler - (Elbiseler) Vocabulary (Clothes)Grammar Exercises Exercise-1 Şimdiki Zaman (Present Continuous Tense) - 1 Exercise-2 Şimdiki Zaman (Present Continuous Tense) - 2 Exercise-3 Şimdiki Zaman (Present Continuous Tense) - 3 Exercise-4 Geçmiş Zaman (Simple Past Tense) - 1 Exercise-5 Postpositions: -de/-da/-te/-ta and -e/-a The Locative Case in Turkish from Yusuf Buz